Expectations and Illusions

3 08 2020

Sometimes the best laid plans…… never come to fruition. Recently I was led on a wild goose chase. Promised a new and glorious position and then….poof, gone in an instant.

As a dependant provider, I need to have certain LEGAL documents in place. If those docs and not forth coming, I cannot legally work for you. It seems an easy way to operate, yet some choose to operate outside that guideline. I had to say “no thanks” to the offer, but it put me in a new situation.

Moving forward

8 04 2015

I have completed my Masters degree. I have completed my application for the Distinguished Fellow Recognition program for the American Academy of Physician Assistants. Now to get another article published and look at doctoral programs!!

Mountain Driving

19 11 2011

Big Bear Valley 11.12.11 124

Last weekend we went into Big Bear Valley and did a little offroading. The colors were changing and the snow was on the ground. It was really great!

End of the Line

22 04 2011

I am starting to think blogging is for people that are on the internet way more than me. It takes alot of upkeep. This will probably be the FINAL of my postings, Thank you Professor Glazitov for exposing me to this media.

today’s thought

16 04 2011

“The future belongs to those who prepare for it today.”
~ Malcolm X

Name something intangible that you would never want to lose.

15 01 2011

This question was asked on a website and I thought it was interesting. I at first thought of integrity but then I remembered my life difficulties and think the  real answer is:


Hello world!

13 01 2011

This will be my first attempt at blogging ever!! How exciting! yet more information to be gleened by anyone with access to the internet.